Sunday, July 19, 2015

Avery's 3rd Birthday Party!

Avery is THREE!!! How did that happen? As stressful as it was finishing up house projects, unpacking boxes and moving into our new house just hours before the party started.... it was a huge success! Thanks to Ashley, helping us the morning of the party and to Rachael making the cake and cute sign, Vicki for bringing the flowers, Grandma Johnson for cleaning and preparing all of the fruits and veggies. Dad for filling the sand boxes with sand and bringing tables and chairs and everyone else who graciously helped us move, unpack, remodel, clean, wipe Sheetrock dust, wipe more Sheetrock dust, and wipe even more Sheetrock dust from every crevice of our home and off of every single belonging with in it! We stayed our very first night in the house the night before the party, so you can about imagine what sleep deprived zombies we looked like at the party! 

The party started at 4:00, and at 3:45 their were still boxes in the garage, no decorations were put up, tables and chairs were in a pile and the food wasn't even at our house yet! Talk about panic for me- the most organized, planner of all time! Thankfully, no one came early except Rachael, Ashley & Grandma, who all got right to work and by 4:05 when the first guest arrived the house was clean, the garage was decorated and the food was ready! It was nothing short of a miracle! 

We had a table set up in the driveway with play-doh and all of the fun toys to go with it! We had a coloring table and art easels out for the kids to play with too! The play-doh was a hit! The kids played and played with it until it was practically dried out! 

Before we ate, after all of the kids had arrived, we got the paint out! Everyone was VERY excited to design their own canvas! I had aprons for everyone and then all of us Mom's went around with paint and filled each paint tray and let them have at it! I had a big bucket of soapy water and washcloths for everyone once they finished! Then we tore off the plastic table cloths and put fresh ones on the tables so we could eat! Everyone enjoyed their meal, Avery chose to have hot dogs, which was fine by me this year because we didn't have the time or energy to make anything elaborate! If it were up to Avery, we would have all had hot dogs cut up with no bun... her idea was to have a big bowl of cut up hot dogs to share... we graciously decided against that we did hot dogs and brats on the grill and we did offer buns to go along with them! We had all of the colors of the rainbow on our fruit tray (Red strawberries, Orange oranges, Yellow pineapple, Green grapes, Blue Blueberries, Purple grapes). Everyone had a great time, the weather was perfect and Avery had just the "Color Party" she had hoped for!