Monday, December 21, 2015

Brandon's 30th Birthday!

With the holidays right around the corner, Brandon's birthday is always in the middle of the hustle and bustle. This year, he requested that we do nothing-- just have dinner as a family, spend time with Avery and go to bed early! So that's exactly what we did on Thursday! Avery and I made a new recipe (cheese tortellini with tomato cream sauce) and we played Candy Land and had cupcakes after dinner. We were all in bed early and I think Brandon was a happy guy! 

Yesterday we had the family over for a delicious jambalaya and corn bread dinner--it was so yummy!! Everyone had a great time! Sarah, Dawn & Shelly were determined to find our sealed ultrasound envelope and we're just dying to know if we were going to be having a baby boy or girl. We decided to open our gender reveal gift a little early since they wouldn't be there on Christmas morning... I will upload the video in a separate post to reveal the gender!! 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Annual Questions 2015

Annual Questions 2015

1.Who do you love...
umm… you mama you!

2. What do you love...

3. After daycare closes at night what do you like to do...
Every night read my new book (from her December book advent calendar)

4. What do you like to eat...
Mac & Cheese and cookies with Daddy and sausage and hotdogs with a bun

5. What are you most proud of...
Jumping in the water off the steps and the edge

6. If you could buy anything in the world, what would it be...
hummm… a new toy … hum… a elephant toy and a fishy toy. I would buy two toys!

7. What makes you sad...
When, I get really constipated and I can’t get my poops out and I get really sad about that because I really want to poop on the potty but it just can’t come out so I be really mad.

8. Who are your best friends...

9. When you grow up, what do you want to be...
A Mommy and an artist… like a Artist Mommy

10. How tall are you...
Well, I don’t know… I just don’t know…   

11. What do you like to collect...
I like to collect fish… like with my fishing pole, like sunnies at the cabin when I’m fishing on the dock

12. How did you feel on your first day of daycare at our house...
VERY happy because I really wanted to see what was going to happen with all the kids

13. What do you like to learn about...
Writing all of the letters and even my name

14. What is/was the most exciting thing we have learned at preschool this year...
Winter and the Arctic

15. Who is your favorite teacher...
You Mommy, You! Because Mommy’s my favorite teacher and I like her!

Questions about mommy

16. What does your Mommy do all day at work...
Teach kids

17. What is her favorite book...
Huh… probably all of them

18. What does Mommy say a lot...
I love you and give me a smooch

19. What do you like best about Mommy...
When you give me huggies

Questions about daddy

20. What does Daddy do all day at work...
Work on cars, like walding and hum… I think that’s all, like he does do more stuff too like hammer

21. What is his favorite book...
I do not know, probably like duck mazageens

22. What does Daddy say a lot...
He talks to Mike a lot

23. What do you like best about Daddy...
When he gives me piggy back rides and flies me to bed!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Baby Thompson #2

We had our 20 week ultrasound today and baby looks healthy!

I am still getting sick every week, but I have been going in little spurts without vomiting! Three days in a row is my new record! Whoo hoo! I hope next week maybe I can go 4 days! As for now, I am eating cautiously and frequently. I haven't gained any weight yet, but haven't lost any either, so all is good! I will need to go back for more ultrasound photos because baby would not let us get pictures of the heart or spine. Good news as far as I'm concerned, I would love to go back and have another peek!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas with The Murray's

We were able to squeeze in a little Christmas party with The Murray family this year! Life is crazy for all of us, but I want to make it a priority to keep in touch with a family that has meant so much to me for so long. And these kids are Avery's first friends and almost like cousins or even siblings to her. She constantly is talking about them even though we don't go there any more. I really hope that over the years, as things get busier and busier, that we can continue to spend some time with them and keep in touch! We had a delicious lunch and opened a few gifts... the couple of hours that we were there, in between hockey and piano for them and in between working and appointments for us... it was time well spent!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Holiday Train

After our day filled with cookies and friends we decided to catch the Holiday Train in Annandae with Harper and Ashley! The night wasn't too cold and the girls both took good naps so we bundled them up, grabbed dinner on the way and headed to watch the train come to town! Thy girls were SO good and were dancing and singing their hearts out! I of course, had to put Avery on my shoulders so she could see... I was about dying being 19 weeks pregnant and having a 40 pound child dancing on top of me, but it was worth the sore neck, she loved being able to see!

Annual Cookie Day

I had all of my girlfriends over this year again for our annual cookie decorating and gift exchange! Everyone came and spent THE WHOLE DAY!! I was not expecting everyone to stay for so long, but I am SO SO glad they did! Avery had a great time with all of her friends, the little ones were great and even took naps here in between the festivities! We had a blast decorating cookies, sipping on hot-chocolate, having a nice lunch and visiting! The adults exchanged their "favorite thing" from this year as a gift, the kiddos exchanged ornaments! The day was absolutely lovely and our home was filled with love, laughter and cookies form 10:30am - 6:30pm!!! I can't wait to do it allover again next year!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Disney on Ice

Andy and Jenna got Avery tickets to go see Disney on Ice for Christmas this year. We kept it a secret until we got there but she was wearing her Cinderella gown and crown and looked fabulous! She felt so fancy and was singing and waving down the strees as we walked into the XCel Energy Center. People around us were waving, kids were saying "look at that princess"... she was glowing! And totally playing the part! We were dying laughing at her... she LOVED all of the positive attention she was getting and I think she truly believed that she was THE ONE AND ONLY Cinderella in town that night!

We walked into the XCel and were immediately engulfed with princess crap galore... light up toys, stuffed animals, princess dolls and trinkets of every kind.... you name it, it was there!

We settled on a princess cup sno-cone! We found our seats and Uncle Andy helped her eat her treat so she didn't stain her dress! Jenna and I went to find some dinner and we had plenty of time to finish our treats before the show started! And when the lights dimmed down and the show started, Avery was 100% serious and concentrating. She was all snuggled up on Andy's lap and had no intentions of moving! First up, was Minnie & Mickey to introduce the show. Next was Snow White, then Cinderella and last, but not least, Rapunzel! And at the very end, all of the princess came out and waved! We had great seats and the show was SO good!

I thought for sure she was going to sleep on the way home, it was getting late and we had a long drive home. I changed her into her pajamas in the car before I buckled her in, thinking there was no chance she'd be awake when we got home. WAS I EVER WRONG!!! She talked the whole entire way home "Uncle Andy helped me eat my treat and he let me sit on his lap and that magic mirror was a little bit scary for me, why did it move and talk and be scary? And why did Rapunzel get taken from her family and did you see Prince Charming kiss Snow White? There were two people on the horse costume because horses have 4 legs and people have 2 legs and so then 2 people had to be a horse. I love those silly dwarfs mom! ..." and on and on and on...  Avery was up until well past midnight once we got home, talking in bed to all of her animals about the show, repeating everything she had just talked about in the car on the ride home! She LOVED every second of it and remembers every last detail of the whole night!

What a great Christmas gift and wonderful memory!

Friday, December 4, 2015

All About Animals Theme

This past month we have spent a lot of time learning about all types of animals! Each week we focused on a different group of animals. The kiddos had a lot of fun! Here are the highlights from each week...

Farm Animals:

Jungle Animals:

Ocean Animals:

Polar and Arctic Animals: