Friday, July 11, 2014

Let my Blogging Adventure Begin...

Join us as we begin our new adventure of blogging all that's happening in the Thompson family! 

As many of you already know, I started a photo book as soon as I found out I was pregnant with Avery. I made her a book, recording my whole pregnancy and the first few weeks of her life. I promised to continue making her a book each year to document all of her accomplishments and our memories. It was a promise that I fully intended keeping, until I realized that after she was no longer sleeping 20 hours each day and I was back to working full time, that this promise was nearly impossible to keep up with! Brandon and I have kept a paper handwritten journal, that one day we will pass down to her... But as far as designing a photo book goes, she still only has one (the one I made almost entirely before she was born). 

I know a few of my friends blog, and I love reading them. Shanon, the mom of the children I nanny for, does such a great job keeping her blog up to date and she has hers printed into books each year, so after her telling me several times that I needed to jump on board (and me not fully agreeing, but liking the idea) she decided to spend a Friday afternoon signing me up and getting me started! That was 3 weeks ago, and I am finally sitting here while everyone is napping and getting this blog going! Thanks to Shanon, whom teasingly has mentioned multiple times in the past three weeks that she hasn't seen any updates in my blog. 

So here it goes! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Congrats on getting this up and off the ground, you're going to be so happy you did!!
