Sunday, August 10, 2014

New living room furniture...

Avery saved all of her "Target Moneys" from her birthday to buy a play kitchen like Emma and Kinsley have at their house. We have had it for about a week and finally decided to put it together today while Avery napped. She usually sleeps 3-4 hours, so we thought that would be pleanty of time, but today she decided to take a 45 minute nap and then woke up for a drink and to go potty. When she heard Daddy making noise in te living room and saw what we were up to - there was no way she was going back to bed. She sat on the couch and read books for the next hour and a half while we (mostly Brandon) finished! 

We originally thought it would go in te basement... But knowing how much she will play with it up here- we rearranged the living room for the 100th time since she has been born and will keep it up stairs where she will get the most use out of it! Our house is now decorated and arranged strictly functional purposes. Over the past two years we have literally arranged 25 times or more because of the furniture and toys for Avery! From swings and bouncy chairs, to driving toys and room for puzzles and now for a play kitchen! Maybe by the time we need to arrange again we can just move into a bigger house where we have room or our couch and love seat, can get out coffee table back and have room for Avery's toys! For now, it works, and although it's not as appealing to the eye when you walk in our house... It's our home - we lie ere, play here and make memories here. It doesn't have to look good, it has to work! 

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