Tuesday, March 15, 2016

I Finally Feel My Brother!!

Avery was finally able to feel the baby kick today! She is so so happy about this! Every night she has been resting her hand on my belly during our story time and has not been lucky enough to feel anything... And finally, after her nap, she was the only one awake and came out to snuggle. Still half asleep she curled up with me on the big green chair and bam, bam, bam! He went crazy in there and Avery could finally feel the baby moving!! Of course, she had to call Brandon right away and tell him the good news!! Then she fell fast asleep waiting for more kicks! This has to be the highlight of my week, maybe of my month-- I don't know... I never get to snuggle this little peanut anymore, much less have her sleep on me! I'm feeling blessed! 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Ashley turns 30!

With the help of a few friends, I was able to plan Ashley a surprise 30th Birthday bash for Ashley! She thought it was going to be just the two of us going to dinner and when we showed up-- she had 20 of her friends waiting to celebrate with her! Brandon was in charge of watching the girls (they were so excited for a sleepover) and I was in charge of the birthday girl! We had a wonderful steak dinner at Axel's Tavern in Loretto. The day before our party, Birch's called saying we needed to make a $2,500.00 deposit to keep our reservation... the manager apparently "forgot" to mention that steep fee when when booked a table! So, very last minute, we changed the plan-- and it all worked out just fine! Dinner was great, everyone had a great time! We were out WAY later than I ever imagined, rolling into the driveway at 2am! Good thing the girls both went to bed great for Brandon and everyone was sleeping when we got home! 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Practicing Our Faithfulness

After reading Avery's Awana story tonight, our assignment was to talk about making promises and being faithful. We each made a promise to one another and  we will make new promises all week and try to always be faithful like God. 

While brushing teeth tonight, Avery says "dad, I promise to be good tonight, and all of the nights... Well in promise to be good forever until I die to heaven!" I said, "wow, that's a big promise, it will be hard to keep your promise, but think you can don't if you really try hard" 

She immediately replies "I can keep my promise, I will be good until I die to go to Heaven, and I reeeeally hope they have monster cookies in Heaven"! 

Us too babe- us too! She is something... Always making us smile! 

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Practicing Our Faithfulness

After reading Avery's Awana story tonight, our assignment was to talk about making promises and being faithful. We each made a promise to one another and  we will make new promises all week and try to always be faithful like God. 

While brushing teeth tonight, Avery says "dad, I promise to be good tonight, and all of the nights... Well in promise to be good forever until I die to heaven!" I said, "wow, that's a big promise, it will be hard to keep your promise, but think you can don't if you really try hard" 

She immediately replies "I can keep my promise, I will be good until I die to go to Heaven, and I reeeeally hope they have monster cookies in Heaven"! 

Us too babe- us too! She is something... Always making us smile! 

Monday, December 21, 2015

Brandon's 30th Birthday!

With the holidays right around the corner, Brandon's birthday is always in the middle of the hustle and bustle. This year, he requested that we do nothing-- just have dinner as a family, spend time with Avery and go to bed early! So that's exactly what we did on Thursday! Avery and I made a new recipe (cheese tortellini with tomato cream sauce) and we played Candy Land and had cupcakes after dinner. We were all in bed early and I think Brandon was a happy guy! 

Yesterday we had the family over for a delicious jambalaya and corn bread dinner--it was so yummy!! Everyone had a great time! Sarah, Dawn & Shelly were determined to find our sealed ultrasound envelope and we're just dying to know if we were going to be having a baby boy or girl. We decided to open our gender reveal gift a little early since they wouldn't be there on Christmas morning... I will upload the video in a separate post to reveal the gender!! 

Friday, December 18, 2015

Annual Questions 2015

Annual Questions 2015

1.Who do you love...
umm… you mama you!

2. What do you love...

3. After daycare closes at night what do you like to do...
Every night read my new book (from her December book advent calendar)

4. What do you like to eat...
Mac & Cheese and cookies with Daddy and sausage and hotdogs with a bun

5. What are you most proud of...
Jumping in the water off the steps and the edge

6. If you could buy anything in the world, what would it be...
hummm… a new toy … hum… a elephant toy and a fishy toy. I would buy two toys!

7. What makes you sad...
When, I get really constipated and I can’t get my poops out and I get really sad about that because I really want to poop on the potty but it just can’t come out so I be really mad.

8. Who are your best friends...

9. When you grow up, what do you want to be...
A Mommy and an artist… like a Artist Mommy

10. How tall are you...
Well, I don’t know… I just don’t know…   

11. What do you like to collect...
I like to collect fish… like with my fishing pole, like sunnies at the cabin when I’m fishing on the dock

12. How did you feel on your first day of daycare at our house...
VERY happy because I really wanted to see what was going to happen with all the kids

13. What do you like to learn about...
Writing all of the letters and even my name

14. What is/was the most exciting thing we have learned at preschool this year...
Winter and the Arctic

15. Who is your favorite teacher...
You Mommy, You! Because Mommy’s my favorite teacher and I like her!

Questions about mommy

16. What does your Mommy do all day at work...
Teach kids

17. What is her favorite book...
Huh… probably all of them

18. What does Mommy say a lot...
I love you and give me a smooch

19. What do you like best about Mommy...
When you give me huggies

Questions about daddy

20. What does Daddy do all day at work...
Work on cars, like walding and hum… I think that’s all, like he does do more stuff too like hammer

21. What is his favorite book...
I do not know, probably like duck mazageens

22. What does Daddy say a lot...
He talks to Mike a lot

23. What do you like best about Daddy...
When he gives me piggy back rides and flies me to bed!

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Baby Thompson #2

We had our 20 week ultrasound today and baby looks healthy!

I am still getting sick every week, but I have been going in little spurts without vomiting! Three days in a row is my new record! Whoo hoo! I hope next week maybe I can go 4 days! As for now, I am eating cautiously and frequently. I haven't gained any weight yet, but haven't lost any either, so all is good! I will need to go back for more ultrasound photos because baby would not let us get pictures of the heart or spine. Good news as far as I'm concerned, I would love to go back and have another peek!