Friday, March 13, 2015


This weeks theme was Dinosaurs!!! The girls were VERY excited to be rough and tough growling scary dinosaurs this week. They took every opportunity possible to show their claws and ROAR as loud as they could! We did a lot of fun activities this week including:

Making salt-dough dinosaur fossils

 Making Dinosaur costumes and choosing dinosaur names of our own - Averyosaurus

We had the Jurassic period set up in the sensory table

Used magnet letters to spell out all of the different dinosaur names

Matched dinosaur outlines with plastic dinosaurs 

Ate "Dinosaur Claws" (Bugles) for a morning snack one day

Pretended to be a Paleontologist for a day digging up dinosaur bones and claws (penne and macaroni noodles) in sand using paint brushes and tweezers! 

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