Sunday, March 15, 2015

Spending Time with Cousins!

Avery just loves spending time with her cousins! We were invited for a last minute play date and dinner to Sarah & Shelly's over the weekend! The kids had so much fun getting outside in this beautiful 60* weather and we had fun watching them be so silly together! Brayden & Bryson got a trampoline for Christmas and just set it up! Avery couldn't wait to go show them how it's done! She was showing off her moves from gymnastics (seat drops, jumping with her legs apart & together, straddle sit etc) Then we all went for a little walk in the neighborhood... Brayden and Bryson rode their bikes and Avery rode her scooter... of course she wanted a bike, since the boys had their bikes and we didn't bring hers along! Buy they were eager to trade with her since they had never tried scootering before! We had pizza for dinner and then they all snuggled on the couch to watch one of the boys new favorite shows, Paw Patrol! It was a hit!


Avery gets to spend plenty of time with Ryann too, since she is so close living at Bob and Becky's house! We love it! And the girls love it even more! Over the course of the weekend, the girls saw each other a few times. The weather was great - and the girls had a blast chasing Dixie all over the yard! We also got a little playground/slide set up for them near the big sand box! Ryann also came over with Grandma and Grandpa for dinner one night and Avery of course wanted to have a bath with Ryann! Grandma was all over that opportunity!

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