Friday, September 18, 2015

Dance Class!

Avery had her very first night of dance class on Wednesday! She sure loved gymnastics, and Miss Aimee, but now that we are 1 1/2 hours away from Classic Gym, it is no longer an option! 

Avery asked to try dance class after going to watch Harper's dance recital last May. "Mom, can I try dance class? It's good to try new things, right?" And she is right, it's great to try new things, so we signed her up! Natalie is the owner of On Stage School if Dance in Buffalo, and Avery's teacher this year! Natalie was also Ashely's dance teacher when she was a little girl, so that's why Harper goes to dance there. And since I know nothing about dance, I figured it was worth the drive into Buffalo so Avery dance with her friend Harper and I knew we were in a good studio, with an experienced teacher, making Avery's first experience in dance class a good one! 

She was SO excited for class to start, it has been a long 3 weeks since we bought her ballet and tap shoes, leotard and tights... She has tried them on at least 5 times, danced in front of the mirror plenty, and could barely contain herself the day of her first class! 

We got there, put her shoes on, said Hi to Natalie and Harper led the way to class, helped her find a cubby for her bag and they had a seat in class! As the other kids filtered in, Avery came running out, "Mommy, Mommy..." I was crossing my fingers that she wasn't getting nervous, or having second thoughts with all of the kids coming in or being in a room with out an adult she knows. 

"Mommy!!! Thank you so much Mommy for bringing me to dance class, I love it!"
Whew! And with a full heart and a "you're welcome" her little tutu butt was back in class for the next 45 minutes! The door closed, the music started and that studio was full of happy kids and proud parents! 

When we got home she went through her whole class with us, she was the teacher and Brandon and I were the kids following her lead! She must have really been paying attention because she taught us a lot! 

I never really thought I'd have a dancer on my hands, since it's nothing I would really encourage her to do since I never did it (and it's expensive). But if it's what she ends up being passionate about, then I guess we will be spending our Wednesday nights at dance class for the next ___ years! 

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