Saturday, September 26, 2015

Deer Lake Orchard

We went to the apple orchard last Saturday with Harper, Grandma and Ryann and Grandma Vicki! It was the most gorgeous morning and we enjoyed every second of our time there! We fed the animals, chased chickens and baby goats, had yummy snacks, went on a bumpy wagon ride and rode the pony! We spent 2 and a half hours at the orchard and the girls were great!! 

Everyone had a great morning playing! While we were having our apple fritter and apple cider snack, talking about the wagon ride we were going go on next, Avery suddenly flew off of the bench of the picnic table backwards onto the floor and began screaming at the top of her lungs-- I knew right away-- she had been stung by a bee! I ran around the picnic table and scooped her up, whipped down her pants to see her thigh and it had stung her twice! No wonder she flew off the bench!! 

The ladies working in the barn came over right away to help! One lady brought us a baking soda compress and asked her how she was doing. Avery replied, still sobbing "that bee thought I was a flower... and he pollinated me" 

Of course, that was the most adorable thing everyone had ever heard and the whole place giggled at her. 

She sat with the compress on her leg for a while and then quick gobbled up the rest of her snack so we didn't miss the wagon ride! She was tough and never said another peep about it the rest of the time we were there! 

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