Thursday, September 11, 2014

Apple Week...

The school year is back in session! Although I am not quite ready for the cold weather, Fall is my favorite season! 
I love wearing my comfy sweatshirts and jeans, the crisp air smells so good, and not having to sunscreen 4 kids three times each day is also a plus!! 

We started the year out, as I do most years, by learning all about apples! 
Here are a few of our favorite things from the week: 

Math: counting apples (red pom poms) and putting them onto the corresponding apple tree! 

Science: taste testing a variety of apples and documenting weather or not we liked them! Avery doesn't like the apple skin of any of the apples. She preferred to "share them back to me" 

Art: we dissected the apples, talked about all of their parts then painted with them! 

Fine motor skils: we made paper plate apples be tearing construction paper and glueing the small pieces onto the plate! 

Life Skills: the girls all love to do "cooking projects" so we decided to make some cinnamon apple sauce! They helped peel the stickers off of the apples, put the peels in our "garbage bowl" and dig out all of the seeds once I was done so we could count them!!

Our crock pot applesauce was a hit! It turned out great and everyone was so proud of their hard work in the kitchen!

We ended our week long apple exploration with a trip to Fall Harvest Orchard in Delano. This is the last season that it will be open, the owner passed away last week from cancer. I sure hope whoever buys the orchard can keep it as fun and carefree as it is now! 

Opening soy beans on our wagon ride! 

The orchard dog, keept stealing Kinsley's shoes and running away with them while she was in the corn pit! We were laughing so hard!! The puppy just loved Kinsley- I think he wanted Kins to keep playing with him, so he stole her shoes hoping she would follow!! 

What a great way to kick off the school year! I am so lucky to watch these kiddos learn and grow every day! I am feeling so thankful for my job and for all of the fun I get to have making memories with Avery every day! I am, by far, the luckiest teacher and mom out there!! 

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