Friday, October 30, 2015

Husbands + Dirt bikes = Disaster

Brandon decided that it would be a good idea to take a dirt bike with a sticky clutch for a spin at work this week... Needless to say, I am catching up on my blogging as I am sitting here waiting for him to come out of his MRI appointment! 

We were in the ER earlier this week and they drained his knee, which was full of blood. He left with crutches and a leg brace that night. The next day, he met with an Orthopedic Surgeon (Thursday) and tonight (Friday) an MRI. Hopefully, he doesn't need surgery and can get back to work soon! 

Here he is in the ER getting his knee drained... They didn't do anything to numb it, so he had to bear the consequence head-on for his stupid choice to do a wheelie on a dirt bike!! Karma... It's a real thing! 

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