Saturday, October 3, 2015

Neighborhood Fish Fry

Tonight we got to meet ALL our new neighbors! The neighbors right next door hosted a Neighborhood Fish Fry and invited all 50 houses in our neighborhood! The weather was beautiful! We arrived knowing only Karen and Kevin across the street and Sadie, Austin & Daisy who live right behind us. Daisy and Avery are close in age, Daisy is almost 3. The girls have a lot of fun playing together, and I'm so glad she has a friend in the neighborhood! Everyone brought a dish to share and Cory & Lisa provided the fish! Little did I know, Avery LOVES, and I mean LOVES fish! She ate 3 whole pieces of fish, passed on everything else to have more fish... and I think if I would have let her, she would have kept chowing it down!. 

There was a big map of the neighborhood on the wall, we each put our names, phone numbers and occupations by our house on the map and Lisa is going to make Neighborhood directories for all of us! This will be so nice to have, especially since we are trying to learn who everyone is! 

After dinner and visiting the party headed over to the next neighbors down the street for a bonfire and drinks! We didn't stay and party too hard, like most of them, but we did have fun! I was so busy visiting I only took one picture on the way and one picture of Avery and Daisy driving the Barbie Jeep - which was their entertainment for the evening, they ran that thing right out of batteries! 

Anyway, I am feeling blessed to have moved into such a welcoming neighborhood filled with caring and supportive neighbors! 

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