Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Little Blossoms: Up & Running!

I am so excited to say that I am finally licensed and have my daycare officially open! Heather, from Sherburne County, came out yesterday and gave me the "all clear"! 

Jaxson and Weston have been coming since September, and now that I am licensed Eli started this week too! Tyson will start right after his first birthday at the end of October! And now that we are expecting our own little one, I am not planning on taking any more kiddos until after the baby is here and I am feel like I can manage! 

We have been having a lot of fun with our new friends. Avery is just loving every second of being at home all day and having friends here to play with. She is a big helper and great friend to all of the kiddos! 

Jaxson, 4 Years Old

Eli, 5 months

Weston, 3 months

We have been enjoying lots of time outside and the big kids have been riding their bikes like crazy! We have been painting and doing out preschool workbooks, playing games and making friends! It has been everything wonderful so far! I feel so lucky to have this opportunity to be home every day and to be with Avery. She sure brings a lot of joy to all of those around her!

Here is my little helper, folding towels! This is a job that she is very good at, thank goodness! I have a load of little white towels to fold every day! We have to use them to dry our hands after washing, a new towel each time! Needless to say, we go through a lot of them every day with all of the washing!


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