Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Farm Animals!

This week we are learning about Farm Animals! We will be learning the names of all of the animals (adult & baby), talking about which animals provide us with food  or other goods, facts about each animal and of course we will do some farm animal crafts! 

We kicked off our week by going to Gale Woods Farm for "Little Farm Hands" day camp! I signed them up this summer, I wish I would have known sooner, we would have signed up for a few more days at the farm! 

Since it was freezing cold with snow covered grounds most of the animals were inside the barns and we couldn't do a majority of what would have been regularly planned, but we still had a great time! The girls got to make instruments for the Hoe Down, we read a book, played with farm animal puppets, painted with straw, made veggie dip and ate it with fresh veggies (purple carrots were a hit)! We also got to feed the pigs our leftovers from our snack! 

Then another gentleman who worked on the farm came with his fiddle and played for us am taught us a few different Hoe Down dances! Avery LOVED IT! She always likes live music but she was so excited to be dancing too! I wasn't able to get any photos of the dance (because I was also dancing)! Side note: a hoe down is called a hoe down because it is the time of year when the farmers are finally done with their work and able to put their hoes down. They celebrate, dance an have a grand time together when they finally get to stop working in the fields! 

On Tuesday, we read some farm related books, put together farm animal puzzles, matched adult to baby farm animals and learned the proper names for each, made cotton ball sheep, played in the sensory table (filled with crinkle paper for straw and plastic farm animals) and made a Thanksgiving Day countdown (10 days to go - each day we pluck one of the turkeys feathers and when the turkey has all of his feathers plucked- it's Thanksgiving Day!)

The most exciting thing if the day was making butter! The girls were absolutely astounded when our cream turned into whipped cream, and then could not believe their eyes when it started turning a tint of yellow and tasted "just like real butter"! They were completely astounded that I had to squeeze the butter and that buttermilk came runnig out! We had a morning snack of fresh buttered toast! It was delish! 

The last half of the week we read a ton of farm books, did lots of fun farm cafts, played farm animals games (Kinsley LOVED playing Pass the Pigs), we sang songs (E-I-E-I-O and B-I-N-G-O have been sung 1,000 times this week), we made chocolate pudding "mud for pigs" and rolled plastic pigs in the mud! 

Here were some of our favorite books this week:

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