Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Pete the Cat!

Pete the Cat is a new favorite character and book series that Avery has fallen in love with. We spent all of last week reading Pete the Cat books and doing Pete the Cat related learning activities! The girls all LOVE Pete, so it was fun to introduce some new Pete books and watch their faces light up when I would show them a new story! 

We started out with the familiar books, the ones they can "read" on their own word for word! 

Activities we did  to go along with this book were:

Sensory table: buttons and plastic needles with yarn attached for sewing.

Math: sorting buttons by color and patterning buttons by color and shape.

Art: finger paint Pete's yellow shirt and glue on his buttons

Life Skills: baked button sugar cookies 

Next we read: 

The learning activities we did with this book were limited because we got a ton of snow the night before and, of course, we spent most of our day playing outside in the new white blanket of snow!! The first snow of the year is always so memorizing and exciting for the kiddos! 

Reading the book:
I gave each of the girls a sheet of paper with four white shoes drawn on them, they had to listen during the story and each time Pete's shoe changed a color they had to find the matching color crayon and color one shoe! After the story was finished they cut out all four shoes and set them aside. Then they colored a picture of Pete the Cat and lastly, glued his shoes on! They had so much fun and this kept them very engaged during the whole story as they intently listened for which crayon to pick up next! 

We discovered this new Pete the Cat book at the library... It's really cute! I need  to find a copy if my own! 

This book has a great message about how everyone can do great things, but not everyone can do the same things great.

We read this book with our own "magic sunglasses" on and at the end of the story we talked about the things we were each good at and did them! Emma said she was good at coloring, Avery was good at blocks, and Kinsley was good at sledding! 

Lastly, we read:

We thought this book was SO funny! The girls couldn't believe what kinds of things Pete put on his sandwich (espicially the whole fish a ice cream). After reading this book, we went downstairs and played at the kitchen set making our own Pete the Cat sandwiches! 

We put beans in the sensory table with cups and scoops (Pete also put beans on his sandwich)!

Then for lunch, the girls each got to make their own sandwich for lunch! They sure gobbled their lunch up quickly because, of course, it was the best sandwiches they have ever had! 

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