Friday, November 21, 2014

Kinsley's Girls Day Out!

Kinsley has officially turned 5!! She has been counting down the days since she turned 4! I have started a new tradition with the Murray kids and Kinsley was the first to try it out! Instead of buying them a birthday gift, I am giving them one day with me! On their special day, it's all about them! They get to choose what we do and where we go. Kinsley was so excited about her day, she has brainstormed a list of ideas a mile long about all of the fun things we could do, but finally settled on a trip to the Sciene Museum of MN. 

Shanon took a day to work from home and offered to watch Avery so I could take Kins on a weekday, when it wouldn't be so busy! And because this time of year is so busy, weekends are packed for both of us! It was perfect! 

We started out in the butterfly house - a special exhibit at the museum right now! The butterflies LOVED Kinsley! 

Then we went right to the dinosaurs! Kinsley just loves these big bones and is so curious about them! After checking out all of the dinosaurs we were able to see all of the other exhibits with out waiting in line once!

We played and explored all morning then ate lunch at the museum café! Look at my most adorable lunch date! ;)

The gift shop was waiting for us and Kinsley was just dying to find a "beautiful necklace"! She found the perfect one as soon as we walked in the door! 

It's no birthday without ice cream! So of course, we had to get a dish before we left. 

While eating our ice cream, I asked Kinsley what her favorite things were at the museum, here is what she had to say: 

1. Musical Stairs
2. Ice Cream
3. Dinosaur Necklace
4. Butterflies
5. Every thing else...
On the way home she said, "Ms. Erin this was the best day ever! I wanted to go to the museum and we did, I wanted to see butterflies and we did, I wanted pizza for lunch and I had pizza, I wanted to get a necklace and I found a dinosaur necklace, I wanted to have ice cream and we got to eat ice cream, and I got to try strawberry milk - I always wanted to try strawberry milk, and it's really good! Next year for my birthday maybe we could..." 

I am so excited about this new tradition and I think the kids are too, Cullen is already brainstorming his list and his birthday is still a whole month away! It was really nice to have Kinsley all to myself (and I think she liked having me all to herself too)! 

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