Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Kinsley's 5th Birthday Party!

We had SO much fun at Kinsley's 5th Birthday party!! Avery is all about birthdays lately and is starting to understand that birthdays = cake! Haha

Really though, she is excited to give presents, sing the "happy birthday" song and celebrate! She was espicially excited about Kinsley's party because she was having a "Horsie Party" and Avery was sure Dusty (auntie Jenna's horse) would be there! Dusty was not there, but she got to ride Peanut, Ginger, and one other horse whose name I forgot. 

We had the best time together with Kinsley and all of her friends! After riding horses, we had lunch, played Pin the Tail on the Pony, took some cute photos and sang Happy Birthday to our dearest friend Kinsley! Everything was so cute, Shanon did a great job with all of the little details! 

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