Saturday, November 1, 2014

Our Trip to California: Day Three

On Sunday, we pack up our things, had breakfast and hit the road by 8! We headed over to the coast to take the scenic route back to LA. We stopped at Morrow Bay to walk around and have lunch. It was beautiful!! The sun was shining, the salty air was refreshing and the town was adorable! We took a tiki boat tour of the bay and learned a lot about the history of the bay and estuary, the volcanic plugs and the sialboats. It was fun to see the otters and sea lions swimming beside us and the sail boats coming and going. We even saw one boat sinking that had to be saved by the coast guard! We also got to see a sailing lesson being taught to a bunch of kids learning to sail. Apparently, at age 7 you can begin sailing lessons! Each child had their own little sail boat and the instructor had a motor boat and went back and forth between the kids! There were about 10 kiddos all in their own boats learning to navigate the water! 

We had a yummy lunch and hopped back into the car to finish our drive back to LA. We stayed at Sarah's Dads house in the mountains just outside if LA last night, so we only had a 1.5 hour drive to the airport this mornig. It worked out great! We showed up at just about sunset, visited, and had Thai for dinner. We stayed in their guest house and Dirk and Sarah stayed in their guest room in the main house. This house house is literally in the middle if no where in the mountains of the Angeles National Park. It took he and Cindi, 4 years to build because it takes so much time to get materials up the mountain etc. and 2 months after they moved in, the forest fires came and they had to be evacuated for 9 months! I couldn't even imagine! You can still see the burnt trees around their house! Luckily, their house was spared and only one window blew out due to the heat! The fire fighters used their house as a base since it was at the tallest point on that side of the mountain! 

Here are some photos of where we stayed: 

(This is where we stayed - the guest house)

*Our flight home was wonderful - we arrived 20 minutes ahead of schedule and we had a plane full of "normal" people on board with us! When we got home we dropped our things off, started a load of laundry and went to go get Avery and Holley! We couldn't wait! Holley was exceptionally excited to see us and Avery was too busy reading to come visit! It's a good sign :)  We got a lot of extra snuggles tonight and she loved looking at all of the pictures we took on our trip. 

Avery has been doing great on the potty while we've been gone, she collected 22 quarters from Grandma for going on the potty in 3 1/2 days! Whoo hoo! We took her out for dinner and to the grocery store in underwear tonight and she stayed dry the whole time!!! We are pretty proud of her! 

Here she is putting her quarters in her piggy bank and also showing off her In-n-Out Burger paper hat that Brandon brought home for her! We had a great vacation - but it's SO good to be home again!

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