Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Drawing, Painting, Baking

Here are just a few random thoughts and photos from the past few weeks...

Avery is working so hard lately on her drawing and coloring! She is having fun making circles and lines! I have some dry-erase pages that she enjoys "practicing" on.

Avery took it upon herself to put some goggles on while she was coloring the other day and says to me "Mom, I can color SO good with these gobblers on" I turned around to figure out what she was talking about and about tipped over laughing! "yes, dear, your gobblers sure do help you color SO good"!

Last week Avery made sure to make "Feel Better" cards for Great Grandma Lucy after her surgery, Auntie Sarah because she fell out of the attic, and Brayden who had an ear infection. She is always thinking of those around her and checking in on the people she loves, it makes me a proud mama!

She will also sit for an hour completely focused if she has paint and paintbrushes in front of her! Here are a few photos from the past few weeks of our little lady with her paint shirt on!

Baking is one thing that Avery gets excited about every time! She can't every get her apron on fast enough (speaking of aprons, I need to get her a few more... one for home, one to stay at the Murray's and one for Grandma's house). She is serious about her baking and I love it -- I just wish I was better at it, but she is encouraging me to learn... so, I do my best to find new recipes to try and cross my fingers and say a prayer every time I put something into that damn over that when I take it out -- it's at least edible! Seriously... baking IS NOT one of my natural talents! We tried making Ice Cream Bread... yes, a 2 ingredient bread.

Here is the recipe:


We used vanilla ice cream and added in a few chocolate chips just for fun! I could hardly believe my eyes when it looked like bread as we pulled it out of the oven! And then, we tasted it I made the girls taste it first to see if it was edible... and when they were begging for more I decided to have a bite. It was surprisingly good for throwing some ice cream and flour in a pan!

Another funny thing she said to me as she was finishing up her lunch was "Mommy, I am so strong because all of my milk is in my tummy," as she flexed her muscles! What a goof!

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