Monday, January 5, 2015

Meeting Michael

Heidi and Joey had their baby yesterday! He is an ADORABLE 7 lbs 2 oz!!! Avery and I couldn't wait to go and meet him! I asked Avery what kind of present we should get for Baby Michael and she said "Shampoo and a shirt.... because he will like to take baff, and he needs a shirt so he can not be cold.... and he needs a camo wash cloth". Well, we got the shampoo and a cute shirt for Michael, but we looked all over and just couldn't find a camo wash cloth. Maybe we will have to order one!

We   I LOVED holding and smooching Michael, Avery was not really fond of me holding him, in fact she asked me to please give Heidi's other friends a turn. This was so surprising to me, she has never had a problem with me holding or being around other kids or babies... which I obviously do every day, and I have also recently held other little babies too without problem - but not Michael, nope, no way Mom... we can leave him here and I only want to hold him for a second and then we can leave! Luckily, she held him long enough for me to snap a few photos!

After our visit at the hospital, we went out for a Mommy-Daughter dinner date to WhichWich (Yummo, its our fav!!) Avery had a grilled cheese and I had my usual turkey bacon!

Welcome to the world Michael, we sure love you!

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