Friday, January 30, 2015


This week we learned all about transportation! We talked about the different forms of transportation (land, water & air), talked about the types of jobs that different vehicles can do, and of course, played with toy matchbox cars for hours and hours this week! Avery is a little motor head and LOVES the train table and cars with ramps. She was making connections in real life too - while driving to and from the Murray's she was naming vehicles out the window! 

"Look! A Jeep, Grandma Grandma has a Jeep! 
Look! A Semi-Truck, that is SO big of a truck!
Look! A Train! Choo choo choo choo, choo choo choo choo, up the railroad track, choo choo...
Great Grandpa Ray has a airplane! I ride with him in the sky.
Daddy's friend Lance has a tow truck, like the one My Truck is Stuck, like from that book" 

I set up a "car wash" for the girls by giving them toy cars, a tub of soapy water, and some paint brushes, a sponge and a washcloth to dry and polish! They had a blast! I also downloaded the song "Car Wash" by Christina Aguilera from the movie Shark Tale! we all had a blast singing and washing cars almost all morning!

We sang "The Wheels on the Bus" and took turns driving the bus! Avery had a great idea to be the mommy and hold a baby to "shush" at during that verse!

We designed our own license plates, Kinsley was able to choose three letters and three numbers to put on hers, but Avery and Emma were able to just decorate theirs!

We painted by rolling toy cars through paint and across paper! We talked about the different kinds of wheels and tired leaving different marks on the paper!

Here were our two favorite books from the week:

(this used to be my book when I was little, Avery found it at GG's house and asked to take it home)

The weather is finally getting warm enough to play outside again, even if its only for a 15 minute stretch at a time... it's worth every ounce of effort getting them ready and outside for fresh air!

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