Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Little Miss Mommy

Avery is so stinking adorable lately, she has taken on this Mommy role and has been treating everyone and everything like her child. She has been saying things to Brandon and I like "please finish everything on your plate, ok hunny?" or  "Oh, hun, are you ok? Did you get a little owie?"

She talks this way to us, her friends, stuffed animals, baby dolls, Holley... everyone!

So, tonight was listening on the monitor after Avery was all tucked in bed for the night to make sure she was sleeping before I snuck in to put her clean clothes away and I heard her jibber jabbering as usual to her animals. "Good night Lambie, oh Lambie its ok, I'm right here, ok hunny, ok snuggle with Puppy to help you feel better" "I need some little room turtle, I am very a big girl now hunny, ok, so I need some room, we can share my pillow ok" "Oh, I will cover you up hunny, don't worry hunny ok. I can share with you"

Once it was quite for a few minutes I went in and here is what I found:

She had ever so carefully used her little blankie to cover up Minnie Mouse and tucked her into bed safe and sound. She is so sweet to her animals and has such a big loving heart! Sleep tight love bug! XOXO

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