Thursday, January 29, 2015

Duckie Heaven is for Real

Tonight as we were getting dinner ready, I heard a lot of loud quacking out of no where and immediately knew what had happened... I flew into our room and saw exactly what I knew I heard... Holley... and the ducks. Holley + Ducks = Less Ducks.

I was devastated to see that Mike had been the victim of Holley. Brandon had left the door open after taking a shower and Holley let herself right in and decided to take care of the ducks her own way. She had been getting more jealous of them each day, and we knew she couldn't be alone with them. I was mad at Brandon, he was mad at Holley and we had to figure out a way to tell Avery. I quietly took care of Mike and went out to tell Brandon what had happened. We had dinner, the whole time I was trying to think of how we were going to tell Avery what had happened... thankfully she had not yet been into see them that evening since we had gotten home. I came up with three options...

1. Holley is a puppy and puppies like ducks... she tried to play with Mike and played with him too hard. (But how to you tell your child that the dog they love, killed the ducks they love?)

2. Get another duck tomorrow and pretend it's Mike like nothing ever happened.

3.Tell her that Mike went to Heaven, but don't blame Holley.

We decided to  go with number 3. I told Avery that while we were gone at The Murray's that Mike went to heaven to be with God and the he isn't here any more. Here is a glimps of our conversation after dinner...

Avery's reply: Well, when he is done being in heaven, he will come back right?

Mommy: No, I don't think so hunny.

Avery: Well, he could come back right? After he is done in heaven?! Why did God take Mike to Heaven?

Mommy: I don't know why sweetheart, sometimes God likes to take care of people and animals in Heaven. Should we say a prayer to God?

Avery: Ok. Dear God, now I lay me down to sleep. Amen

Mommy: Dear God, please take good care of Mike in Heaven. We love you. Amen.

Avery: ok, I need to see my duckies now, please come!

And we cuddled the two that are still here, Abbie Kadabie and Sully. Avery talked about Mike quite a bit the following days, and told everyone who came to visit what had happened, but she was perfectly content with the answer we gave her regarding the situation. I think we made the right choice by telling her the truth about the loss, but not giving her any reason to be upset with Holley.

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