Friday, April 10, 2015

Cough, Giggle, Scream!!

Last night Avery had the hardest time falling asleep! She was coughing and coughing, the poor kiddo could hardly catch her breath. Finally around 2:15 am I went in and woke her up enough to give her some cough medicine and another drink of water. This didn't help at all! I was wide awake... listening to Avery coughing, Brandon snoring and Holley licking her paws... I was WIDE AWAKE! At 3:00, Avery was still tossing and turning, coughing and miserable. I went in and asked her if she wanted to snuggle in our bed. She did, and I carried her over, hoping that I would be able to sleep better having her here and she would sleep better propped up a little more.

Well this was a great idea, until Avery couldn't sleep because of Brandon's snoring and got the giggles listening to him!  ... zzz...ZZZ...zzz...ZZZ... She turned into a giggle machine, and had me laughing too... ALL giggling came to an abrupt halt when Daddy Bear woke up to our shenanigans! Avery wanted to cuddle with Brandon and I rolled over and fell fast asleep (finally)! I was sleeping until I heard a lough SCREAM coming from the bathroom, followed by a "What in the (long pause)! Avery are you doing?!?" Brandon turned all of the lights on and yelled for me to grab towels. I flew up out of bed, grabbed every towel from the linen closet and threw them into the bathroom... the floor was soaked, Avery was wide-eyed in the very corner of the bathroom quiet as a mouse and we worked as fast as we could to turn the water off on the toilet and sop up the gallons of water spilling onto the floor! My first thought was, "this better not be going down the vent and ruining the basement, our inspection is tomorrow!" Thankfully, only a small amount of water went down the vent, and Avery woke us up before any major disaster took place!

After it was all cleaned up, we asked her what had happened....

"Well, I had to go potty, but no one listened to me, so I went poop all by myself and wiped all by myself because I am a big girl, and I used so much toilet paper, but sometimes when I flushed the potty the toilet paper wasn't working so I flushed it so many times. Then the water kept following me and following me on the floor and my feet were all wet and I screamed because that water kept following me"

So at 5:00 am, we had a little chat about going potty in the middle of the night and wiping yourself and how 2 year olds still need help with those jobs etc. We all went back to bed for a short time, when Brandon had to go to work and then Avery and I had to leave early for the inspection on the house. We are a tired family today!!!

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