Sunday, April 26, 2015

One Dog Canoe

For Christmas this year, we gave Dad and Vicki tickets to the play One Dog Canoe at Stages Theatre in Hopkins! This past week we have been reading the book over and over again and Avery is VERY VERY excited to go see the show! In fact, she was so excited she couldn't fall asleep for a nap that afternoon and we thought we might be sending a tired monster to the play... but as it turns out, she was happy as can be! The excitement kept her awake and in good spirits!

When it was time to get up and get ready to go, Avery was all about getting FANCY!!! She asked, "Mommy, can I pppllllleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeee wear some sparkly eye shadow to the play? Mommy, how about my special necklace? Mommy, these shoes are SO fancy... I think these shoes would be perfect to go with my dress!" She is a little fashionista in the making... and I know it doesn't come from me! Maybe she will be able to teach me a thing or two down the road!!

Anyway, she got all dolled up, and wanted to take some pictures of her fancy outfit! We read the book one more time before Grandma and Grandpa came to pick her up for dinner and her show! Once they pulled in the driveway, she waved good bye and ran outside to meet them! She had all of her things in her backpack and was ready to roll! I was able to get one quick (and very sunny) photo of the three of them and they were off! Brandon and I went out for dinner and when we got home, she was tucked in bed! It sounds like they all had a great time and Avery has been talking about the play for a few days now! Her favorite part was when they all fell out of the canoe and her favorite animal was the frog!

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