Friday, April 10, 2015

Moving... across the street at Harding Lane

I have decided to take the nanny job across the street at Harding Lane with Patrick and Josette, watching Charlie. He is the cutest little guy and Avery just adores him! We have a temporary contract through the summer, while Josette tries to find a job with a more regular schedule and we try to move and get settled in a new place. We were supposed to start last Tuesday, but since I had the flu we were able to start on Friday instead! I think this will be a great fit for us and a good transition for Avery still being across the street from The Murray's. It is a real change of pace watching a 3 month old baby versus keeping up with Emma and Kinsley, but it's just what we need right now in all of the other craziness of our lives trying to move and all! Our first day, Avery and I spent a lot of time getting our things organized and figuring out how to set up her cot, where to put her toys etc. We have all of next week off, so then we will have to get back and start a more structured routine the following week hopefully!

Here are some pictures from our first few days:

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