Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Stomach Bugs

On Monday, Avery and I woke up and went over to see baby Charlie and Josette. We packed up and brought some of our things over from The Murray's in the morning to start getting settled across the street and begin our transition. We had lunch and spent our afternoon with The Murray's as normal and planned to spend the rest of the week soaking it all in, as this was supposed to be my last week working with The Murray Family. I was really looking forward to getting in some good quality time with the kiddos and make the most of my last few days. The previous week, we weren't able to go at all, because Avery had the flu, so we missed out on spending Spring Break with all of the kiddos! Shanon and I had tons of fun things planned for Cullen's Spring Break and I was SO bummed out that we were stuck at home because of a stomach bug!

Avery was back to good health by Thursday, and on Friday we spent our day watching Charlie and we were healthy as can be for Easter weekend! We all enjoyed Easter together and then on Monday evening, just as we were signing our names for the last time on our purchase agreement for the sale of our house, I knew I was going to lose it -- I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom and threw up! Avery of course, came in to visit and was very concerned, running out telling Daddy that I was sick. Tom and Sue entertained Avery for a few minutes while I pulled myself together. Brandon thought it was just nerves, I thought if could have been too. Until about 10 minutes later, when I was running back to the bathroom. The sickness had struck and I knew I was doomed! I felt terrible! I was up until about 3 am running back and forth from bed to the bathroom, had the chills and sweats and knew there was no way I was going to work the next day! So, I let Shanon and Josette know that I was down for the count and had to figure out how to get enough sleep to take care of Avery on Tuesday.

Mid-morning on Tuesday,  I called Becky to see if she would take Avery for a few hours that afternoon, since I had been laying on the couch all day trying to survive and not playing with her like normal. Becky replied "Oh, you too?!? I don't think you want Avery coming to our house to play... Kristen, Dawn and Bob are all sick too... and I think I am next!" Yikes!!! We were all sicker than dogs except for Brandon and the girls! Thank goodness Ryann and Avery never got sick. Brandon managed to escape the bug too -- thank goodness -- as he had a car that had to be done for GSTA and worked about 60 hours this week!

We all survived! Thank God Spring is right around the corner and flu season is almost done!

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