Sunday, December 21, 2014

Annual Christmas Shenanigans

This morning I hosted our annual Christmas Shenanigans with all of my high school friends. Well, not everyone could make it, so it was Jodie, Jessa, Katie and Ashley. We have been doing this forever, Jessi started this back in high school and we haven't missed a year since our very first time. Things have definitely changed with our gathering though, from flour fights and cocktails to brunch and no cookie baking whatsoever because we have our hands full tending to kids while we gossip. I LOVE my group of friends, I couldn't wish for a better group of women to have in my life! And now that everyone is having kids, its so fun to watch them grow and play together too!

Anyway, I could go on about that for hours... back to the party! We had a hot chocolate bar, donuts, fruit, cinnamon pizza, and everything else good for us for breakfast, we all talked about our plans for Christmas this year and then did an ornament exchange. I got a dozen cookies made per person, so we could all decorate cookies (kids included). We had a really fun time just hanging out, nothing fancy, no expectations, no schedule, just us spending time together!

Katie needs to start watching her language around children, poor Harper may be scared for life after hearing the words fly out of her mouth (haha)! Now that all of you know about my blog I hope you read this and remember... I am an essential part of our group... I plan everything! ;)

One day we might all have more time to start baking cookies together, or even bake at home and do an exchange, but as for now, cookie decorating and an ornament exchange accompanied by delicious food suits us just fine!

Here are some pictures from our fun day!

Avery & I got up early to get everything ready for our friends to come: 

Gift Opening:

Menu: cinnamon pizza, fruit, donut holes, hot chocolate bar, juice...

Ornament Exchange:

Cookie Decorating:

(Can you see Avery's cookie under there?)

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