Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Elements of Art


On Monday, we began our week long study about the Elements of Art. We started by listing all of them and then decided to start learning about shapes first! We traced shape stencils, put together shape puzzles, practiced cutting  shapes from construction paper, sorted buttons by their shape, painted by stamping shaped sponges on our paper and went on a shape hunt around the house and finding things that have shapes on or in them! 


On Tuesday, we learned all about texture! We went on a texture hunt, going all around the house feeling different things and naming it's texture. This was a great way for new vocabulary to be introduced! As we went along, we wrote down all of the texture words we used. Then we did a little experiment and closed our eyes and felt two different textured objects, even without seeing what object it was, the girls knew what they were touching. Lastly, Avery and Emma made a texture collage and Kinsley made a texture tile out of clay by pressing a variety of objects into her tile and observing what kind of texture and shape they imprinted. 

"Ohh, Mom, this one is so scratchy! This one is so suvvy (fuzzy)"


On Wesnesday, we learned about the color wheel! We got dressed this morning and tried to wear all of the colors! We made our own color wheel, did some color mixing (one of my favorite lessons of all time), and read about colors too! We also sang a song that teaches the colors in Spanish! 


On Thursday, we learned all about lines! After getting everyone dressed in their stripes, we took a photo wearing our "line clothes" on the couch with lines! Then we  read "Harold and The Purple Crayon" and proceeded to draw "Avery and the Purple Crayon" pictures. We painted using a new tool to scrape lines in the paint and also practiced drawing all kinds of lines (vertical, horizontal, wavy, jagged, diagonal, dashed, wavy, swirly etc). Next, we went all around the house searching for lines - and surprisingly to the girls... they are everywhere! 

Space & Form:

Well, if this isn't this the most complicated thing to teach 2 and 5 year olds! Ha 

Emma and Kinsley came to our house for a sleepover last night and today we touched on the idea of space & form... When everyone looked at me like I had no idea what I was talking about we decided to go play outside! Needless to say, we have had a very fun day sledding, drinking hot cocoa, doing art projects, playing with magnetic gears, playing instruments, dressing up as every princess humanly possible and playing kitchen, puppy, baby and mommy! We have had a terrific day - sorry space & form, we will try again next year! ;)

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