Sunday, December 21, 2014

My Advent Calendar Adventure

I know that I am sometimes a little crazy or can sometimes have outrageous ideas but this is by far one of the most crazy things I have put myself up to in a long time! I am making, sewing, and hand stitching an advent calendar for The Murray's for a Christmas gift. They don't have one, I know Shanon mentioned last year that she wanted one, and they have three kids - so they need one!!

I have been keeping my eyes open since last year for the perfect thing, but have had no such luck. I want it to be cute, functional, and unique. I have spent hours searching stores, Etsy and Pinterest only to keep coming across this most beautiful felt advent calendar. I was going to purchase this calendar, but then realized to purchase it already made would have cost a fortune! So, I followed a link to a shop who sells the pattern for $14.00! 

I reasearched... and researched... And researched... Since I have NO CLUE WHATSOEVER how to sew or even own a needle and thread, I was very hesitant to purchase the pattern and even think I was going to do it! But, I did.. So I recruited my mom to help me get the things I needed at Joann Fabrics and recruited Becky to help with the sewing maching and cutting! 

November 16 (Day One):

Cutting the backing and pocket squares:

November 18: 

Laying out my squares to determine what order they should go in and learning how to embroider! I think I did ok on my first two numbers, I'm no pro, but the imperfections of being handmade is what will make the calendar "special" right?!? 

November 19: 

I'm 25% done with embroidering the numbers! It's going surprisingly well, and rather quickly. Now, if only I could get some time without any interruptions I could whip the rest of them up in no time! Unfortunately, the disappearing ink pens I purchased are dry, and won't work... So I have been free handing my numbers. I would probably be able to go a lot faster if I could trace my numbers on each square! I am hoping to get some new ones over the weekend to speed things up a bit! My goal is to finish the calendar squares this weekend so they can get sewn on. 

November 20:

I was able to finish 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 this afternoon while Avery was napping. Shanon took Emma and Kinsley to their annual physicals today so I had a little extra time to myself! It would have been much more enjoyable if I wasn't looking out the window after every stitch to make sure she wasn't pulling in the driveway! 

November 24:

So darn close! I just can't keep my eyes open any longer (11:30pm). I made it all the way to number 21 before a poked myself with my needle... Pretty good for a rookie I'd say! I have been getting a little quicker stitching these numbers using a split stitch, although I have no clue how to tie the knots when I finish. I have been experimenting different ways to knot it. So far it's been ok but poor number 12 doesn't even have a knot because I messed it up so bad, I had to cut the thread and it was too short to tie, so it's glued (oops, crossing my fingers it holds).  

My other problem is that I am using this disappearing fabric ink, like the pattern calls for, and it keeps dying my thread blue (grr). So I keep dabbing it with a wet paper towel and it goes away, then it's blue again in the morning! I might just give all of these little squares a cold bath when I'm done and see if I can get that darn ink off!!! I WILL FINISH THESE NUMBERS TOMORROW!!! Only a few days behind schedule, but they look pretty nice - so, it's like they say "quality over quantity" right?!

November 25: 

Whoo hoo! My numbers are complete - and they even look good! I am feeling pretty proud of myself tonight for learning how to so this and for challenging myself to make this advent calendar. It wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable if I wasn't doing it out if love. I can't wait to give this to The Murray's - I hope they love it!!

November 29:

I went to Rachael's tonight to escape the interruptions at home and to really get some progress made on this Advent Calendar! Holy cow, I am making progress, but still feel like I have at least 100 more hours to go! Here is what I got done, which doesn't really feel like a lot because I only finished one ornament... BUT... I did plan all of them out, cut the felt for each one, and put each ornaments pattern, and all of its pieces into individual zip-lock bags. I also tied all 24 little loops to hang them from, which took forever!

Now, hopefully I can start cruising on these ornaments! It was hard to decide which ornament to start with, but I chose the Holly. I think it turned out pretty good! Rachael taught me how to do a French Knot to hold my sequence on. I need to get some of those tiny tiny beads so I can use those instead, they looks so cute!

Anyway, here I am with a zillion colors of felt and hard at work...

December 3:

I have begun cutting all of my pieces into their teeny tiny shapes! I got all of the ones cut that I was duplicating the pattern exactly as the pattern shows and then took some time to draw up new patterns for the ornaments that I am adding in place of a few that I am not as crazy about! 

I am hoping to get all of my pieces cut tonight so I can start seeing and assembling them over the weeked!! 

December 5:

I have ALL of my ornament pieces cut out!!! WHOO HOO!!!  I also got all of my squares pinned and ready to sew onto the backing and my tree cut out!! Lots of late nights this weekend but progress has been made and it feels good! I am probably still going to be working on this until the minute we leave for our Christmas Dinner with the Murray's on the 21st, but I am determined to finish it! 

December 8:

If Shanon keeping coming home early from work or taking days off I will never get these ornaments done! I swear, it's a good thing my Dad was laying tile today and just happen to see her pull in, because she was about 1 second away from walking in on me sewing Ollie's little stocking ornament! Honestly!!! Thank God, she didn't ruin the surprise because if I was sitting at her kitchen table sewing she would have asked me what the hell I was doing sewing... and I can't lie to save my life - it would have all been over right then and there! 

Anyway, here I am at 11:45pm sewing Ollie's  little stocking again! 

I was able to get Avery to bed at a decent time tonight and get some ornaments done! I completed all five stockings tonight! I assembled each f them a little bit differently, and by the 5th one, I think I figured out the best way to do it!  Here they are: 

Here are all of the ornaments I have done so far, 9 done and 15 to go...

December 10:

I am officially fighting with Santa Claus! Seriously, if Santa was the dirt ornament I would have tried to sew, I would have quit! After an hour and a half of screwing around with him I finally finished! He has a bell on the end of his cap because the little tab broke off to see on the white puff ball - I about cried (instead, I used a few choice words and moved on). the gingerbread house was also a pain because I added some bead work, easy enough right? WRONG!!! Have you ever tried to thread a beading needle? Talk about testing my fine motor skills, hand eye coordination and patience! I even broke a needle trying to using a little threading tool... The dang thing got stuck in the eye of the needle and then I pulled it out, the whole eye broke right off! 

On a better note the present turned out SO CUTE! I am glad I thought to use real ribbon versus just green felt, totally worh the extra effort and time! The thing that tom te longest was stitching "To:" on the tag! 

The snowflake was by far the harder to cut out but so far the easiest to sew together! 3 hours later, I have 4 more ornaments!! Whoo hoo! I AM OVER 1/2 WAY DONE (with my ornaments that is). 

Here they all are so far: 

December 11:

I got 4 more done tonight and not one of them was a pain in the butt like Santa was! I have 17 done and only 7 to go!! I'm feeling good that I might actually finish on time! 

Here are the 4 new ornaments: 

Here are all 17 I have done so far:

December 12:

4 more done!! These last few are takin a really really REALLY long time to make! I am beginning to seriously understand why people charge so much for one of these! The 4 ornaments I got done today took me just under 4 hours! It's officially 2:30am and I cannot keep my eyes open any longer. I was really hoping to just finish, but I am also making dumb mistakes because I am so tired- so I will quit while I'm ahead! 

Here is my nights hard work:

December 14:

After this weekend, I am officially feeling the affects of sleep deprivation! I spent many late late nights working on my project and am happy with my progress! I still have a lot to do before Sunday's Christmas dinner and gift exchange with the Murray's, but I think it can be done! 

Here are my last few finished ornaments: 


The ornaments are officially finished (thanks to my little helper of course)! 

I spent the evening laying out all of the ornaments and marking where my buttons need to be sewn on and Becky got the pockets sewn into place! 

December 20:

One day left to finish... I am almost there!!
I got my tree back from Becky last night (she used her sewing machine to sew it on) and last night I sewed all of the buttons on and put the star on top! I brought it back over today to have her sew the back on. I added my name and the year on the back before she sewed the two pieces together with the loops on the top! Then I went adventuring outside to  fin and cut the perfect tree branch to hang it from! 

December 21 (3:00am):

PROJECT COMPLETE! And I still have 13.5 hours to spare before our dinner! A miracle to say the least!! I tied the ribbon into a perfect bow, hung all of the ornaments on the tree and Brandkn helped me make the perfect box to wrap it in! 

I am so proud of myself! I cannot wait to bring it over to The Murray's later this evening and have them open it! I hope they love it as much as I do! This is by far the best gift I think I have ever given someone, it's made with all of my love, and I couldn't think of anyone else I would rather give it to! I am so excited to see their reactions! As for now, good night! 

December 21: 

They love their calendar!! 

I am so happy tonight leaving our Christmas dinner at the Murray's house! They loved their calendar - they even found the perfect spot to hang it before we left! I think this will be the highlight of my Christmas this year! 

Cullen got to hang their first ornament tonight! And his stocking is in pocket 22 waiting for him to hang tomorrow on his birthday! 

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