Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Night

We had a wonderful Christmas evening at Sherry and Darin's house! Dinner was fabulous as usual; prime rib, roasted veggies and wild rice soup. Avery wasn't hungry in the least, since we had just eaten a few hours earlier and she didn't know to save room for Prime Rib, but she LOVED being so fancy using a big girl glass and fancy plates and silverware. After dinner, we had the most delicious chocolate torte and grasshoppers to celebrate Grandma's Birthday.

We sang our Twelve Days of Christmas, Avery got her own number this year! She was #1, which everyone was glad about since it gets sung the most! She did a great job!!! I LOVE this tradition and am so glad Avery was able to enjoy it with us this year as much as she did!

Then we opened gifts and ended our evening lighting paper lanterns! This was our first year sending wish lanterns into the sky... it was really fun and I hope it can become a new tradition we can add! The weather was perfect for lanterns this year.... and our brown Christmas turned into a white Christmas after all!

After Sherry and Darin's, we headed over to Mom and Larry's house with Andy, Jenna and Jess for a smaller family gathering. We had to empty our stockings and exchange gifts among ourselves! Avery was VERY tired, almost falling asleep on the way over there, but she did great once we got out of the car. Avery's pile of gifts was a mile high and she was ecstatic when she opened each of  them!


We bundled up at 11:30pm and hit the road for home... AND WE TOTALLY PAID FOR IT THE NEXT 3 DAYS!!! Yikes!! NEVER AGAIN will we try to cram so much into one day! Lesson learned!!

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