Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Avery's First Duck Hunt

Avery has been SO excited to go "dunk huntin'"with Daddy she can hardly stand it! We told her she was going to go this weekend and it's all she talked about all week leading up to Sunday morning. 

We tucked her in early for bed in Saturday night and took the chance of waking the sleeping bear on Sunday morning. Avery is worse than I am when it comes to waking up, it's never good unless it's on her schedule! 

At 5:30am, while all of the world was still sleeping, our little duck hunter popped out of bed, rubbed her sleepy little eyes, and asked to put her Camo on! And I packed her things in a camo bag!

Brandon helped her get ready to go and bundled her up because it was pretty chilly. It took him about 20 minutes to get her dresses but he did good gettig all if the layers on: cotton tights, long underwear, sweatpants, snow pants, long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, winter coat, camo fleece on the top of that, hat, mittens and winter boots! She was ready to go "get some duckies"!

We drove seperate to the boat landing, just incase duck hunting wasn't as exciting as Avery hoped it would be, so we could leave early if we had to.

This is her giving me the thumbs up as we left the house:

Brandon's friend Scott and his wife Beth joined us for the morning and brought their dog Glory with too! We got the boats loaded up and set off across the lake to our spot. On our way we happen to run into a a few dozen roosting Cormorants with the boat. No kidding- ran into them with the boat. I thought they were going to start hopping in with us!! It was the strangest thing! Avery was laughing at the crazy birds as they swam around us and eventually flew away. 

While Brandon set up decoys, Avery and I had breakfast; warm apple cinnamon pancakes, yogurt bites, and apple juice. It kept her plenty busy in the pitch dark while she couldn't see anything! Once the sun started comig up and she could see all of the decoys she really started to get excited! 

We didn't see very many birds, nothing has started migrating yet because it's been so warm, but Avery had fun wearing her camo and head lamp, blowing her duck call, and yelling "duckies come here!" at the top of her lungs and then turning to me and saying "mommy, those duckies are not listening"! 

We read books, sang songs, ate snacks and spent the whole morning as a family just spending time together! It was perfect! We packed up and headed home around 11:00. We dropped off the boat and went to breakfast with Scott and Beth at the Waverly CafĂ©. I would say Avery's first hunt was a success! 

Some of my favorite quotes of our outing:

"I call daddy - daddy not come. I call duckies - duckies not come too!"

"I want to see another duck. 
That puppy will get them. 
That's a fun game. 
That's a reallllllly fun game!"

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