Saturday, October 18, 2014

Toddler Talk

I have always loved visiting with toddlers and hearing their cute little voices tell all kinds of exciting news. I always have enjoyed listening to their BIG ideas and discoveries using the limited language they know and explaining things in a way that makes sense to them. It's usually pretty cute, often times comical, and  always enjoyable. Avery is to exception to this, her little voice just makes me smile! She has a HUGE vocabulary for her age and speaks fairly clear too. She can hold a conversation with just about anyone these days. Here are just a few things she has said recently that I just need to write down so I can remember them later! 

Avery commonly says these phrases or words and I don't ever correct her, because I know she will eventually say them right on her own and I just want to hear them for as long as I can...

Soapatizer (sanitizer)

Fancy Vancy (Fancy Nancy - a book character that she really likes reading about) 

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what chew are, up a bubba world so high, like a dimon in da sky, twinkle twinkle little star up a bubba world so high..."

"Bak-sit Tainer" (basket container - any kind of basket or container is a baksit tainer)

"Smace-smat" (place mat)

"SkeleKin" (skeleton) 

"Oh, that's my FLAVORITE" (favorite)

"Clof cloth" (wash cloth)

Avery has also been very interested in recognizing and "writing" letters and spelling words. When spelling something she usually says something like: 

A. V. E. R. Y.  - mommy! 
A. V. E. R. Y.  - paper!
A. V. E. R. Y.  - Grandma!

Haha she knows how to spell her own name and thinks it's how you spell EVERYTHING these days! 

Or she will say  " A. C. D. C. B." And yell out a random word that she was spelling! I LOVE IT!!  She does this while coloring and "writing" too! She makes all kinds of lists (I don't know where she gets this from), and names of people and animals! 
She is very good at recognizing "A for Avery" everywhere we go! And can also recognize E for Emma, B for daddy's name, M for Mommy, O and S.  It makes me really excited that she is so interested in letters, she has just naturally developed a curiosity about them and we are just trying to foster her curiousity through play and every day experiences! She won't stay little for long- before I know it she will be able to spell supercalifragilisticexpiladotious without even thinking twice!! 

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