Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The "Bear Bear" Store

This past week Brandon and I had a bad tummy bug. We both got sick on Sunday evening and weren't feeling well through Tuesday. Shanon and Ollie decided to let me have the whole week off to rest, recover and get ready for our trip (I am unbelievably thankful for them and their generosity once again). Brandon went back to work on Monday even though he was still sicker than a dog and I used every ounce if energy I had to tend to Avery.

She was such a good little girl, playing quietly by herself most of the day(s) while I rested near by. She knew "mommy didn't feel good" and did her best to help me feel better by delivering me Lego ice cream cones, giving me every stuffed animal in her collection to snuggle with, and reading me lots of stories! Anyway, we had a pretty uneventful week and didn't leave the house except to go to the dentist so they could fix my crown that needed a little bit of an adjustment from my root canal last week.

Once we were starting to feel a little better I was able to do some laundry, washed the bedding and rid the house of any leftover sick germs might have been lingering! 

On Thursday, we packed up our bags for California and for Grandma and Grandpas house and then headed out for a little mommy/daughter date. Avery noticed earlier in the week that her "Bear Bears" dress was losing some sparkles. 

Side note: Bear Bear is a Build-a-Bear that used to me mine and still has the original clothing I picked out for it  years ago! 

With that being said, I told Avery that we could go Bear Bear Shopping and find Bear Bear a new outfit at Build-a-Bear. After getting Bear Bear buckled safety into the car, with a book to read (just like Avery), we headed out to Ridgedale! I wanted to get my eyebrows threaded before the trip anyway, so it was the perfect way to spend the day walking around enjoying time with my love bug out of the windy cold weather. 

We did all of "mommys" things first and then headed over to Build-a-Bear only to find it wasn't there any more!!! I was heart-broken!! I walked all aroud, read the mall map and - no - nothing - not there!! I couldn't believe it! How was I to tell Avery after we had been talking about it all morning? After she was so patient doing all of my things first? After she has carried Bear Bear so carefully all around the mall telling Bear how she was going to get her a new outfit for Grandma and Grandpas house?!? 

I stopped waking and got down to Avery's level, held her little hand and told her "Avery, I'm so sorry, the Bear Bear store isn't here any more, they don't have any bear clothes at the mall". I was about in tears myself anticipating the disappointment, waiting for tears and "whys?" But Avery smiled at me and squeezed my hand saying "it's ok Mommy, we can find Bear Bear more clothes later, right Mommy? Is there more bear bear stores? Like different... or something?!"

I knew there was another Build-a-Bear store at the Mall of America, but it was almost noon, time for lunch and a nap. Did I dare drive 25 minutes to get there? And then show up with a very hungry, overly tired child? I was crazy to even ponder the idea... And then hearing an "I love you Mommy" mid thought, and looking down to see those little eyes peering up at me and Bear Bear wearing her faded pink dress dangling from Avery's arms... My decision was made!  We all got back into the car and drove to The Mall of America. 

Avery loved looking at ALL of the tiny bear clothes and accessories. We spent about 45 minutes looking around before she decided on the perfect outfit for bear! A new tutu, Mini Mouse shirt and Mini Mouse underwear (because Bear Bear is a big girl just like Avery, so she needed undies too)! We got bear dressed and showed her off to everyone who worked there! I am so glad I decided to make the trip to MOA, it was everything I had expected. Avery and Bear Bear had a great time spending the day together! And I even had a little fun too!! ;) 

On the way home we surprised Grandma Judy at work! Avery couldn't wait to show off her "new" bear! And Grandma was really excited for a surprise visit!! 

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