Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Visiting Daddy at Work

While we were eating lunch in town today Brandon text me saying "I wouldn't mind if you came for a visit today if it doesn't get too late grocery shooing before nap". 

Of course, we gobbled up our Culvers lunch and headed right to see Daddy! 

When we got there, Brandon was eating his lunch (some leftover pasta with pesto that Avery helped make the night before). And she acted like I hadn't fed her all day and ate half of Daddy's lunch too! 

Avery liked looking at all of the cars and tools in the shop. She wanted to stay and watch "them guys" work, but we all know a shop isn't really a place for a toddler. And that Brandon would get ZERO work done if we stayed! It was a quick visit, but I think it made Daddy happy that we were able to stop!! 

Side note: While we were in the parking lot before going in, the gas station across the street had a huge blow up guy for advertising. AVERY WAS CRAZY ABOUT IT! "The silly guy is peeking at me! Look he is dancing like this!" (and she would mimic it's movements). When we left, we even had to roll down the window and say good bye to him! She talked about him to the cashier at Cub, apparently he is her friend!?! Haha, seriously... This kid!! I just can't get enough of her!!!

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