Friday, October 24, 2014

Pickin' Pumpkins!!!

We spent the day outside running around the pumpkin patch! There is an "on your honor" pumpkin patch on Highway 7 that I discovered last Fall on my way home. It's nothing fancy, just a field in the middle of nowhere, but you can come and go as you please and take your time running around searching for the perfect pumpkin.

This kids were so excited to go, although they had no idea what a pumpkin patch even was! Durning breakfast they were asking "are we going to ride horses there?" "I can't wait to see the cows and piggies" "what kind of things can we do there?" "Do they have treats there?" 

Not to mention that Avery was SO excited to go, that she was up for an hour in bed taking to herself about the pumpkin patch and kept calling "daddy, I have question" so he would go in, and she would ask things like, "can I see a horse at pumpkin patch? You coming to pumpkin patch? We get big punkins at punkin patch?" ... And on ... And on... And on... She finally fell asleep sometime after 10:00. 

So, I was a little nervous taking them today, hoping they would have fun and not be too disappointed when we ended up in the middle of nowhere, with no animals to feed or ride, no treats to buy, or games to play. But as soon as I pulled up and let them run loose, they had a blast!!!

I am so glad I remembered to grab the wagon! They had it overflowing with pumpkins in no time! Trading pumpkins in and out, catching pumpkins that rolled off  and using teamwork to push the wagon was really fun to watch. I just love giving the kids some room to play and explore new things when I can stand back and watch them learn and grow together! So many times, they asked "can you help? This pumpkin is too heavy?" Or say "I can't push the wagon, pumpkins keep falling off" and I asked them to use teamwork to solve their problem! Sure enough, the four of them gathered up all of their ideas and strength and got the job done! And WOW, were they ever proud of themselves! 

It's experiences like these that help them foster their independence and self confidence. They were in control of the situation and had a huge success!

At the end of our trip, everyone got to choose one pumpkin to take home that we will be using next week when we learn all about pumpkins! I grabbed a few extras so we had some to carve at home this weekend too! We had a great day together! It was the perfect outing for a 70* Fall day!!

This is a photo I took one morning this week of the girls when we were out "sploring" after bringing Cullen to the bus! It's just too cute not to share! 

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