Friday, October 31, 2014

Our Trip to California: Day One

Avery is all packed up and VERY excited to go stay with Grandma and Grandpa this weekend! We dropped her and Holley off late Thursday night and my Dad picked us up bright and early (5:30) Friday morning and brought us to the air port! 

Avery had to tuck all of her animals in her bed before we left, it was the cutest!! 

"Bye Daddy, I love you. You go to California? Wedding? On BIG airplane? Ok, bye"

Friday Morning:

As I sit now, in this most crowded aircraft ever, surrounded by some of the strangest people I have ever seen - all I can think is "warm sunshine, warm sunshine, warm sunshine". 

There is a man on board with the tightest skinny jeans I have ever seen, a curly mustache and a fur trench coat made to look like a bear. No joke... The sleeves have built in fur mittens that include bear claws sticking out of them and the hood of the jacket is a full fledged bear head that can pull down over your face and Wha-la, you're a bear! Then we have the lady wearing 9 inch heels and tie dye leggings who looks as if she hasn't slept in days and can barely balance on her own two feet - she is a sight to be seen, and with those tie dyed leggings, you can't miss her! The gentleman beside us rapping for three hours straight and the baby infront if us who shit her pants 2 hours ago and the no one cares to change it really add to the ambiance! Lastly, right behind us is a family with small children, who within the first 3 minutes of sitting down begin to squak and the mother starts panicking "where's the iPad, where's the iPad, where's the iPad, the iPad can fix everything".  Well, needless to say, the iPad CAN'T fix everything and it's going to be a very long flight! Like Brandon said, "it's like we're at the state fair, only contained in a small airplane... and without the food"! But, at least we are headed to California for some warmer weather and some good company! 

Dirk and Sarah are flying in to LA only 20 minutes after we do and we are sharing a rental car and headed to see Pukin Larry and to meet Suzi! It will be a great weekend... once we get our feet back on the ground! 

Friday Night:

We made it! We survived the crazy flight here and made it to Dinuba in one piece! On the way we stopped for a late lunch at In-n-Out Burger... and my Dad wasn't messing around... IT'S DELICIOUS! The double-double is where it's at and I secretly hope we stop again on the way back to the airport! It's that good! 

We checked into our hotel about 5:00. Sarah and I took a little walk to find some coffee, we might not do that again, there were a lot of shady spots with cardboard houses and mattresses along the way (and a few of the people who lived in them started following us). Anyway, we went to Luke's for the rehearsal dinner!  The food was really good there too! We had ribs, pork chops, crab pasta salad and the whole works! Everything around here is SO DUSTY!!! There are dust storms blowing all over, everything is covered in this really fine powdery dirt! That part isn't my favorite, but it is what it is! A storm rolled in at about 8:00 (but it feels like 10:00) so we headed back to the hotel to get a good nights rest! That's all for now, I am sure we will have all kinds of fun tomorrow to write about!! Until then, good night! 

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